5 Must-Read Books on Sustainability and Climate Change

Do you seek out education and resources about sustainability and climate change?

Spend time considering your part in working toward the future you envision?

Are you always on the lookout for ways to support your local community and small businesses?

Us, too. If you’re nodding along, this sustainability and climate change book list is for you.

We partnered with local Asheville bookstore Malaprop’s to bring you this roundup of must-read sustainability and climate change books. From the importance of the Green New Deal to high concept city planning as a climate change response, these books share climate-related ideas that run from encouraging to galvanizing to hard to swallow — which, if you’re asking us, tracks pretty well with the environmental reality we’re facing today.

Want to add to your library of climate change knowledge, find inspiration in learning about passionate humans working toward a safer planet, and discover new ways to get involved yourself?

Here are five essential books on sustainability and climate change, curated for you by Justin Souther, Senior Buyer for Malaprops bookstore.

Irreplaceable: The Fight to Save Our Wild Spaces, Julian Hoffman.

A more intimate and personal look at the toll climate change has wrought on nature. It’s a book as much about what nature has lost and is losing, as what we, as human beings have let slip away. But it’s also a story of people actively attempting to save nature, and the way that has changed and enriched their lives. Learn more here.

The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, David Wallace-Wells. The most stark and perhaps unflinching book on this list, a chronicle of what is to come in the worst possible terms. It is meant, however, not as pure doom and gloom, but as a wake up call, with the understanding that this worst case isn’t inescapable — yet. Learn more here.

Solar Guerilla: Constructive Responses to Climate Change, ed. Maya Vinitsky. Published in partnership with the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Solar Guerilla is a more high concept approach to the climate crisis. A series of discussions on city planning and architecture as a response to climate change, the book has concrete solutions from communities around the world. Learn more here.

On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal, Naomi Klein. A sweeping overview of the importance of a Green New Deal and how choosing this path — or denying it — will affect everything from politics to economics to borders. Learn more here.

Drawdown, ed. Paul Hawken. A hopeful look at the climate crisis, Drawdown pulls together numerous solutions to what faces our planet, from big to small, from large scale societal changes to things we as individuals can do on a day-to-day basis. Learn more here.

Always something new to learn

One of our guiding principles here at Sugar Hollow Solar is “always learning”, whether we’re tackling one of our renewable energy projects, learning how to build a more sustainable business, or discovering even the smallest ways we can move forward with our community to combat the climate crisis.

So here’s to learning every day new ways to help build the future we want to see.

Malaprop’s Bookstore/Café is an independent bookstore founded in Asheville, NC in 1982. We bring books, writers, and readers together in an environment that nurtures community and the joy of reading. Malaprop's is currently open to browsing appointments to North Carolina residents, curbside pickup and home delivery to Buncombe County residents. For more info and to browse virtually, please visit malaprops.com.


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